We always recommend checking with your embassy, a clearing agent in East Timor or the authorities in East Timor to ensure you have up to date information on the rules and regulations. The information here is for guidance purposes only and should not be used as hard and fast rules.
All foreigners and Timorese Nationals may import a motor vehicle, subject to duty.
In general, no prior approval is required to import goods into Timor-Leste, but the importer must be registered with tax authorities and the State Registry Office. Only goods that ministries deem prohibited or restricted for health or safety reasons require import permission. Persons importing health or safety products should consult with the relevant ministries. All imported goods must be reported to the Customs office.
An import licence issued by the Directorate of Quarantine Services is required for machinery, equipment and used vehicles.For items subject to import licencing, an import request must be sent to the Directorate of Quarantine Services with the approved application forms. The import licence must contain the import conditions specific to the case.There are no quantity restrictions on imports in Timor-Leste.
Used machinery must be thoroughly cleaned and free from all quarantine risk material, including live insects, seeds, soil, mud, clay, animal material, plant material and other debris.