We always recommend checking with your embassy, a clearing agent in Bangladesh or the authorities in Bangladesh to ensure you have up to date information on the rules and regulations. The information here is for guidance purposes only and should not be used as hard and fast rules.
Diplomats and Privileged Persons may import a vehicle into Bangladesh duty free.
- No vehicle may be older than four years old , and in the case of shipment, used vehicles may only be imported from their country of origin.
- All other foreigners and Bangladesh nationals may import a motor vehicle into Bangladesh, but it will be subject to duty. Also, the process is lengthy, so it is best to expect port storage of at least one month
- A certificate containing age, model number and chassis number of the used car will have to be submitted to the customs authority
- For determining date/age of the imported used car the date/age will be calculated from the first day of the next year of manufacture of chassis.
Plant and machinery may not be older than 12 years.
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