We always recommend checking with your embassy, a clearing agent in Barbados or the authorities in Barbados to ensure you have up to date information on the rules and regulations. The information here is for guidance purposes only and should not be used as hard and fast rules.
Documents Required:
– All Vehicles – Importers are required to apply for an import license before shipping a vehicle. – If used – The owner’s logbook and insurance policy for the period of ownership plus any other supporting documents which provide proof of period of ownership. – If new – A commercial invoice is required for all new vehicles.
Restrictions & Requirements:
– If client is not a diplomat or returning national – Vehicles must be four (4) years or under with an odometer reading of 50, 000 km or less. – If client is a returning national – There are no restrictions on age or mileage provided the candidate meets all other requirements outlined in the Returning National Guidelines. The vehicle is free of all normally applicable import duties and taxes. – If client is a diplomat – No restrictions apply in this case, and the vehicle is free of all normally applicable import duties and taxes.
Motor Vehicles
All requests for the importation of motor vehicles free of duties and taxes under the Returning Nationals Programme must be submitted to the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs for approval. Persons qualifying for Returning National Status are allowed to import their vehicles three months prior to resettling permanently. In such cases approval shall be granted in principle, subject to the Returning National taking out a bond with the Comptroller of Customs to cover the duty liability, in the event that he/ she does not resettle within the stipulated period. A grace period of three months has also been granted for the importation of vehicles following resettlement. In cases where Returning Nationals need to have the importation of their vehicle facilitated by a local dealership, proof must be provided to the Ministry of Finance that the vehicle was ordered and paid for in their adoptive country. Copies of the transfer documents must be submitted to verify that funds for the purchase did not originate from Barbados. Vehicles purchased after the date of resettlement do not quality for exemption of duties and taxes. Returning Nationals who designate agents to act on their behalf should inform the Comptroller of Customs of this in writing and have conferred on the agent the power of attorney.

Used/Reconditioned Vehicles
Following amendment of the regulations governing the importation of used or reconditioned cars, used or reconditioned cars could not be imported into Barbados if they were older than four (4) years and /or if they had an odometer reading over 50,000 kilometers (31,250 miles). However importation by Returning Nationals of vehicles older than four (4) years or with odometer readings exceeding 50,000 km is allowed, provided the Returning National submits proof that he/she owned the vehicle for at least four (4) years prior to importation. Where the vehicle has been owned by the Returning National for less than four (4) years it must conform to current regulations, i.e. it must be less than four (4) years old and have an odometer reading of less than 50,000 km. However where the Returning National’s vehicle does not qualify under the foregoing rules, the Returning National must obtain permission for the importation from the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs prior to shipping that vehicle.